Balade sonore

Sound walk in Soubise

Cultural ,  Pedestrian sports ,  Recreational activities ,  Course in Soubise
  • A stroll to the port and the river, along the narrow streets of the city and the secret gardens. Childhood memories, intimate and universal stories are revealed to the ears.

    A few yellowed photographs escape from a metal box and revive the memory of the place. Old shops, clothes drying in the sun, "carrelets", fishing for fish, castle, underground passages, the voice of the inhabitants guides you in this walk tinged with nostalgia. An invitation to discover the daily life of this ancient...
    A stroll to the port and the river, along the narrow streets of the city and the secret gardens. Childhood memories, intimate and universal stories are revealed to the ears.

    A few yellowed photographs escape from a metal box and revive the memory of the place. Old shops, clothes drying in the sun, "carrelets", fishing for fish, castle, underground passages, the voice of the inhabitants guides you in this walk tinged with nostalgia. An invitation to discover the daily life of this ancient castellany, which long ago was named "the first city under the wind of the islands".

    Duration: 40 minutes / From 7 years old
    Free access on request from the Rochefort Océan Tourist Office's Triporteur
  • Environment
    • Riverside
    • Overview on river
    • In the country
    • Waterside
  • Spoken languages
    • French
  • Documentation
Subject to favorable weather