Pierre Loti course in Rochefort
in Rochefort
1h 15min
Rochefort is not very present in the writings of Pierre Loti, except for his diary. The city, however, was the birthplace of his work, with its landscapes, its lights, the boats on the Charente, the cries of sailors in the "neighborhoods". Discover the world of childhood and adolescence of Julien Viaud, future Pierre Loti, in Rochefort and his stops in his home port.
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- Points of interest
- 25 meters of difference in height
- Start altitude : 10 m
- End altitude : 11 m
- Maximum altitude : 12 m
- Minimum altitude : 4 m
- Total positive elevation : 25 m
- Total negative elevation : -24 m
- Max positive elevation : 4 m
- Min positive elevation : -3 m