Begonia Conservatory

A plant journey to the heart of the national Begonia collection...

Begonia, the first botanical dedication

Do you know how Rochefort is linked to the begonia?

In 1688, Michel Bégon, the king's steward, posted to Rochefort, organised a trip to the West Indies. Charles Plumier, a botanist and also a draughtsman, went on a mission and discovered 6 small herbaceous plants that he named Begonia, in homage to his benefactor. He was the first to dedicate a plant to a man; Plumier thus became the inventor of the botanical dedication.

A collection of begonias unique in the world

In the heart of the horticultural preserve, there is a treasure: the Begonia Conservatory.

Rochefort has drawn on the roots of its maritime and scientific past for a unique horticultural project. The first collection of plants purchased was quickly enriched by donations, purchases and exchanges with French and foreign collections.

Today, discover this collection of over 1,500 botanical and hybrid begonias.

A true showcase of tropical ecology

Did you know that the begonia belongs to a family that covers all the tropical regions of the globe?

You will have to leave the borders of your garden and travel the world, to Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela to find the begonia... you will go from sea level to 3 800m of altitude in the Andes Cordillera...

Beware, the history and botany lesson to discover their infinite diversity is always guided so as not to lose you on the begonia planet!

More about the "begonia" and the conservatory on the banks of the Charente